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  • Writer's picturekyleorr45

Female Power Lifters – The Empowered Women

There are a lot of people who thought that weightlifting is not for women. But times have changed, and now you can see that there are several advantages if women do lift the weight. Not only does it ensure a better quality of life, but it also helps them to lose fat and engage themselves in body recomposition. There are several critics when it comes to female power lifters. Not everyone is very accepting of this idea. They want women to exercise but not lift heavy weights. But men and women are equal, and they can build their body in whatever way they want. The woman should be the one to decide what to do with her body.

Misconceptions Regarding Female Power lifting

Women are often pressurized to look slim like the models on the covers of a fashion magazine. They are told that if they do not conform to the conventional standards of beauty, then they are not attractive. But beauty comes in different shapes and size. Do not be afraid if someone criticizes you and calls your ‘manly’ if you lift weights. It should be your decision to decide your look. Some trainers even believe that men and women should train differently. But that is not the case as female muscle growth can also occur if they perform the same intense training as a man. It is normal to feel sore after a workout but doesn’t let it stop you.

Why Women Should Power Lift?

Women often tend to suffer from osteoporosis a lot, and thus, weight training helps them to make their bones more dense and strong. You can fight with several kinds of heart diseases as well as diabetes with weight training. You will be able to balance your diet and not starve yourself to achieve the perfect slim body. It also helps you to fight anxiety as well as depression. So whether you have to choose between crunches vs sit ups, both will benefit you in a lot of ways. Do not be afraid and start working out with weights.

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